
সচরাচর জিজ্ঞাসিত প্রশ্ন

লাইভ অ্যাকাউন্ট

রেগুলেটরি কতৃপক্ষের চাহিদার প্রেক্ষিতে আবেদন ফর্মে আপনার ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য পূরণ করতে হবে, Land Prime হোম পেজে আপনার পরিচয় পত্র (ছবি সহ) এবং বিল কপি আপলোড করতে হবে (https://landprime.asia/live_account)।

লাইভ অ্যাকাউন্ট ওপেন করে ফান্ড ডিপোজিট করার এক ঘণ্টার মাঝে ট্রেডিং শুরু করতে পারেন।
ডিপোজিট মেথডের ভিন্নিতার জন্য সময়ের কমা-বাড়া হতে পারে।
অনুগ্রহ করে লাইভ ট্রেডিংয়ের জন্য কতক্ষণ লাগবে তা দেখার জন্য ডিপোজিটের সময় দেখে নিন http://landprime.asia/deposit এ দেখুন।

ছবি এবং স্বাক্ষর সম্বলিত যেকোনো সরকারি পরিচয় পত্র যেমন- পাসপোর্ট, এনআইডি কার্ড অথবা ড্রাইভিং লাইসেন্স গ্রহণযোগ্য।
ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য, ছবি, স্বাক্ষর, ইস্যু তারিখ এবং মেয়াদ শেষের তারিখ, সিরিয়াল নাম্বার সুস্পষ্ট হতে হবে।

ঠিকানা প্রমানের জন্য বিদ্যুৎ বিল,পানি অথবা লোকাল ট্যাক্স বিল,সাম্প্রতিক ব্যাংক স্টেটমেন্ট,ক্রেডিট কার্ড,বাড়ীর ঠিকানার অনুলিপি (সরকার অনুমোদিত প্রতিষ্ঠান কর্তৃক ইস্যুকৃত)।উপরে উল্লেখিত যেকোনো ডকুমেন্ট দিতে পারেন।

রেগুলেটরি অথোরিটির নির্দেশনা অনুযায়ী FX/CFD ট্রেডিং গ্রাহকের জন্য উপযোগী কিনা তা দেখার জন্য এসেট পোর্টফোলিও চেক করা জরুরী।

The minimum amount to open an Account is US $10, including any fees required for fund deposit.

You can open a Corporate Account ; you have to fill out the Application of Business account and upload the Business Certificate and Address Proof (Bill copy) with billing date of latest 3 months.

Yes, but only if your account remains inactive for more than 180 days.We only consider an account dormant if there has been no activity – including trading, deposits, withdrawals, internal transfers, opening additional accounts, and registration activity – after this period.Once an account becomes dormant, any remaining bonuses, promotional credits will be automatically removed. All dormant accounts are charged a monthly fee of 10 USD, or the full amount of your available balance in cases where it is below 10 USD. If your available balance is zero, no fees will be charged.

Deposit and Withdrawal

It differs by various deposit methods, please refer to the following link for more information.

You can deposit in USD, EUR, JPY.
In case of e-wallets, we support 27 currencies.

Land Prime handles all transactions in the same day the requests are received, however transaction time also depends on withdrawal method you choose. Below is the list of withdrawal methods and the time;
- Bank Wire: within 2 Business days
- VISA / MASTER Card: before settlement date, transaction will be credited within 20 business days.
If it's after the settlement date, you need to request the withdrawal using another method such as bank wire.
- Neteller: within an hour

You can visit following link and select proper withdrawal method.
https://landprime.asia/fund/withdrawal then fill out the application for withdrawal.
Our on-line request forms make it easy and convenient for any types of withdrawal.

Land Prime supports various methods to deposit funds including bank wire, VISA / MASTER cards, Sticpay, WebMoney, Neteller, and Skrill.
Please refer to https://landprime.asia/fund/deposit for the details.

Documents and Forms

You can upload your documents (ID, Residential Proof) online while you apply for a live account.

The documents are required by the Regulatory Authorities to protect the interest of our clients.
In case where ID and Residential Proof are insufficient or do not meet the requirements, additional documents can be required for qualifications.

IB Agreement is the agreement between Land Prime and Introducing Broker. It covers the various business topics including partnership.
IB needs to sign the signature page and send scanned copies to Land Prime.

Land Prime has employees who can translate the documents in various languages.
The documents do not need to be strictly written in English as long as they satisfy the requirements including issue date and terms.

There should show the legal name, Date of Birth (D.O.B), and Expiry Date; the name on the ID must match the holder of Land Prime account.

You should submit the document with your current residential address on it; the Residential Address on the document should be same as the residential address specified on the Application and Customer Agreement with Land Prime.

Land Prime does not accept the PO Box address as a residential proof; you should submit the proof or document with your real Residence address.

It should include the date within the last 3 months, and the name of card holder should be same as the name of live trading account with the residential address.
PO Box address is not acceptable.

Land Prime requires two types of documents.
If you used Driver License as a residential proof, then you need to submit another Government-issued ID as an Identification proof.

For your Corporate accounts, you have to submit Corporate Certificate and the proof of Business address.
You can use a Corporate Certificate and proof of Business address billed to within latest 3 months.

Forex Trading

Expert Advisor is an Automatic Trading program supported in Meta Trader 4 written in C language. EA allows automatic trading without the manual order entering.

A Freeze Level is the point if the market price meets the level set by the trader, no changes can be made to the order. Freeze Level is not supported at Land Prime.

In general, the pending order is not cancelled unless the trader cancels the order. (Maximum 300 pending orders) Only when a stop-out and the pending order is to be used over and above the free margin ratio, however, the order may be cancelled.

As Land Prime provides the optimal environment for EA programs, you can use EA freely.

ল্যান্ড-এফএক্স সর্বোচ্চ ৫০০ঃ১ লিভারেজ দিয়ে থাকে (ইসিএন অ্যাকাউন্ট; ২০০ঃ১)।
মনে রাখবেন উচ্চ মাত্রার লিভারেজ মার্কেট মুভমেন্টের সাথে আপনার মূলধনের উপর প্রভাব ফেলে।
উচ্চ মাত্রার লিভারেজ যেমন আপনার লাভের সম্ভাব্যতা বাড়িয়ে দেই, একইভাবে ক্ষতির ঝুঁকিটাও বাড়িয়ে দেই।

Trading hours are from Sunday 17:05 to Friday 17:00 EST(New York Time), 24 hours a day and five days a week.

When the ratio of Margin to Equity comes below the Margin Call Level, there will be warning red sign on the Trading terminal. The Stop Out Level is 30%.

Margin Call Level is to be 50%, Stop Out Level is to be 30%.

Yes, it's available at Land Prime. Hedging is when you open the opposite positions with the same lots. In such case, there will be no margin used. But you need to be careful as there may be unexpected losses due to decrease In Equity resulting from floating spread.

Trailing stops automatically adjust to the current market price, providing the investor with greater flexibility to profit, or limit a loss. For example, if we set our trailing stop initially at -10 pips and then the trade moves in our favor 1 pip. Our stop would move 1 pip from -10 pips to -9 pips.

Margin is a deposit (as a collateral) made to open a position, selling or buying, and maintain the opened position.
Margin is not a fee or transaction cost: it is a part of account balance.
However, you need to be using your margin carefully as it may increase profit potential just as much as it may cause risk of loss.

Balance is the account balance calculated with all closed positions.
It does not include the floating loss or profit.
Equity is the floating balance including the current floating loss or profit.
Equity changes in response to the market price of the open positions.

Margin ratio is the Equity over Margin Requirements